Repair Tools - Sourcing Solution

We offer products for the full repair process, which consists of the following major categories: basic repair tools, repair programmers, motherboard repair tools and functional testing tools.
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Basic Repair Tools

Tools utilized in disassembling cell phones and batteries, as well as other essential tools required for the repair process.

Repair Programmers

Used for iPhone true tone restoration, battery health calibration, Face ID dot projector repair, unknown part message repair on camera, and other software/program level issues, as well as NAND level data reading and writing.

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V1SE Programmer

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EEPROM Chip Programmer

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Magic AWRT Apple
Watch Recovery Tool

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Motherboard Repair Tools

High frequency tools for testing and troubleshooting motherboard problems.
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DL S800
6 in 1 Screen Test Box

Testing Tools

Tests the status of the device and its functionality. Suitable for multiple models.
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Cable/ Charger Tester

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Tail Insertion Tester

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WYLIE Smart Phone
Universal Test Board

Unique Advantages of Repair Tools Solution

A professional technical support service is available to help customers run their repair businesses more efficiently.
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Well Selected Brands

Our team selected branded repair tools with excellent performance and reasonable prices, and maintain close partnerships with brands for better product development.

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Latest Repairing Solution

Updates and iterations of smartphones are constantly bringing forth new repair technologies and tools, our team has always maintained a high level of attention to this trend and outputs repair solutions on time.

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Video Tutorial Support

The REWA has shot and accumulated a large number of video tutorials addressing hot repair cases that can be directly accessed by customers.

Video References