How to Secure Your iPhone Memo with a Password or Face ID

Protecting the content of your iPhone’s memo is essential to ensure your privacy. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to set a password or enable Face ID to unlock your memo. By implementing these security measures, you can prevent unauthorized access to your sensitive information.

Notes before use:

  1. Choose a memorable password and set a password prompt to avoid forgetting it in the future.
  2. Keep in mind that if you access your iCloud memo on multiple Apple devices, the same password will be used for all memos.
  3. Enabling Face ID or Touch ID as a memo password includes the encryption key in your device’s keychain. It is important to note that anyone who knows your device lock screen password can access the locked memos. For enhanced security, you can opt not to enable Face ID or Touch ID as the memo password.

Setting a memo password and enabling Face ID unlock:

  1. Open the memo you want to lock and tap the “Operation” or “…” button located in the upper-right corner. Then, select “Lock Memo.”
  2. Enter your desired password, ensuring it is easy for you to remember, and set a password prompt. Optionally, enable Face ID as a means to unlock the memo. Tap “Finish” to save your settings.

If you already have a password set, you can change it by navigating to “Settings” on your iPhone, then selecting “Memo” and making the desired modifications.

After locking the memo, it will be protected by the password across all your devices. Note that if you choose to use Face ID or Touch ID on other devices to unlock the memo, you will still need to enter the password first. To enable Face ID or Touch ID on other devices, follow the respective device’s settings.


Securing your iPhone memo with a password or Face ID is a crucial step in safeguarding your sensitive information. By following the outlined steps, you can enhance the privacy and security of your memos. Remember to choose a strong password and enable a password prompt for easy recall. With these measures in place, you can trust that your memo content remains private and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals.

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