iPad Touch Screen Digitizer Testing Procedures

88d843fd 8375 4509 82b1 d4904e9f4a79 iPad Touch Screen Digitizer Testing Procedures

Do you know what kind of replacement touch screen digitizer for iPad is qualified one and what are you supposed to do to test it then?

Here is the procedure our quality control engineers process with the parts quality inspection of which standard is in line with the industry standard.

Appearance Testing

9653bdb1 1c0d 4ad4 aac4 80d4febba16e 2 28

No scratches on the touch panel

2708e140 3378 4877 b9a0 6b3bf54f2903 3 28

No dust spots or dots on the touchscreen

af6f22e2 dadc 4a2a a7c7 674970a69a8b 4 27

No breakage on the digitizer

91a792ce fe4a 4231 a2ba 0b78084eb6ce 5 25

No paint loss on the touchscreen

de509804 bfd3 4b5b a32f fe76fa22bf27 6 25

No chromatic aberration compared with OEM one

68c6950f 06f9 48e8 ba34 b4f5b860b064 7 24

Grid lines inspection in the normal range

1e511cd5 d15f 4f4c 9377 ee7a6284786d 8 21

Home button hole alignment – in a proper position

1d3efde0 c7ce 498e a318 6ef5bc58c1f8 9 17

Home button hole measuring – diameter around 10mm

Three Proofings Testing

151c45ef 6ce9 4ebb b7cb f1f6f1f961bf 10 15

The touch screen digitizer should possess the properties of three proofings – waterproof, alcohol proof, n-hexane proof.

Light Transmittance Testing

e5bd604c aac3 433a 936d b12819245784 11 12

We usually do isible light (of which electromagnetic wave wavelength around 550nm) transmittance test to the camera hole and functional area of a touch panel.

The normal range for Camera Hole Testing Value should be greater than 90; While Functional Area should be greater than 88.

Bending Strength Testing

4255498d fc09 44c0 832c 676fb9f95a00 12 7

Bend the whole screen and four corners slightly to the extent that is within the proper range, while OEM one is more flexible.

Touch Function Testing

f17eb86e 5ef6 4aa6 a946 09c31df5c9d0 13 2

y moving the app icon in all directions including swiping from the edge of the screen to test if touch functionality works well.

In REWA, everything comes after quality!

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