Malfunction Phenomenon
The phone display “Unable to activate Face ID on this phone” when we pressed the power button.
When we reset Face ID on this phone, it was shown massage “Face ID is not available, try setting up Face ID later”.
Get an iPhone X Face ID is not available, the issue happened after dropping damage and replacing a new screen. Judging by this, the fault of Face ID might be caused by the improper operation when replacing display assembly.
Check the flex cables related to Face ID under the Microscope. We found the flex cable next to the flood illuminator module was damaged. The flood illuminator module is an essential part of Face ID circuits. So we concluded that the fault was from the damaged flex. It’s difficult to repair for flex cable, so we need to swap the flood illuminator module to a new flex cable.
Finally, we got it installed to the display assembly, assembled all parts, and tested again, face ID was back to normal, the problem resolved.
Repair Tips
1. When we remove the original flood illuminator to the new flex cable, it’s better to remove the original light sensor module to the new flex together in case of causing other functional issues.
2. When we editing this case, new technology was generating, we can copy the data of the original flood illuminator module to a new one instead of removing the original module to the new flex.
iPhone X Motherboard Repair Case