How to Fix iPhone Face ID – Move iPhone a Little Lower

Many iPhone users may encounter a frustrating problem where Face ID continues to show”Move iPhone a Little Lower/Higher,” making it impossible to reset the feature. In this article, we will explore effective methods to resolve this issue and ensure the smooth functioning of Face ID on your iPhone.

How to Fix face ID Move iPhone a Little Lower

We have discovered several possible solutions fixing move the iPhone a little lower. These methods have proven effective and may work for your specific needs.

1. Restart your Device

To address software or temporary system failures, a simple restart can often resolve the problem. Follow these steps to restart your iPhone X or later models:

  • Press and hold the side button and any volume button simultaneously until the slider appears.
  • Slide the slider to power off the device.
  • Press and hold the side button until the Apple logo appears, indicating the device is restarting.

2. Remove Film or Check For Dirt

Inspect the area around the front camera for any stains or obstructions that may interfere with Face ID recognition. Clean the camera lens with a microfiber cloth or a gentle lift to ensure optimal performance.

face id problems

3. Check for water damage

If your iPhone has been exposed to water or liquid, it may result in Face ID malfunction. In such cases, it is recommended to seek assistance from Apple’s after-sales service. To determine if your device has suffered water damage, you can check the Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI):

The majority of iPhone models are equipped with an LCI that can be viewed from the outside. The LCI is capable of detecting whether the device has been exposed to liquid or aqueous liquid. In general, the indicator should be white or silver in color. However, it will become red when it comes into contact with water or aqueous liquid.

In order to determine if the LCI of your device is touching the liquid, you can refer to the following image to help you see the LCI.


It is recommended that you use a lamp or magnifying glass in order to see the LCI. Make sure you adjust the angle of the light or device until you can see it.

4. Update the system

If the device has not suffered from any water or drop damage, it is highly recommended to update the system to the latest version available. This is because Apple frequently releases new software versions that include essential bug fixes and exciting new features that are worth exploring.

The majority of iPhone-related software issues can be resolved through the installation of the latest iOS update. Therefore, it is always advisable to keep your device up-to-date with the newest software releases to ensure optimal performance and a seamless user experience.


By following these troubleshooting methods, you can overcome the “Move a Little Lower/Higher” prompt and restore the functionality of Face ID on your iPhone. Remember, if the problem persists, it is advisable to seek professional assistance from Apple’s support team. Enjoy the convenience and security of Face ID on your iPhone with these helpful tips.

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