iTunes error 4013 is one of the most common problems for iPhone users. iPhone 7 error 4013 is usually caused by pseudo soldering or damage of CPU, and also might be related to power supply of baseband PMU or NAND Flash. Since CPU repair is quite difficult, we can check power supply of baseband PMU and NAND Flash first. If nothing goes wrong, try to replace a new baseband PMU. In this iPhone iTunes 4013 error case, the problem is fixed after baseband PMU replacement. If the problem remains unresolved, we can try to replace the NAND Flash. If still not, then check the CPU.
Tools Used:
- 4 in 1 Integrated Rework Station
- Electron Microscope
- Digital Multimeter
- PCB holder
- Straight Tweezer
- Paste Flux
- Rosin
- Solder Wick
- PCB Cleaner
- Cutting Nipper
- Anti-static Plastic Pry Bar
- Soft Brush
- Sculpture Knife